An investigation of the soil and rock materials underneath a project site determines whether the location is feasible to build or expand on. Failure to investigate can lead to expensive consequences and structural defect claims down the road.
AOG’s combined expertise in civil engineering and design-build construction methods, along with our local Kansas City forensic subsurface history, enables us to thoroughly investigate and validate sites in ways others may find too challenging to sustain.
The importance of having an accurate geotechnical report cannot be overstated!
Each year hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on correcting soil or rock-related instabilities on project sites and oftentimes, the problems could have been prevented. Hoping for the best is not a strategy.
A geotechnical engineering report is not something to skim through lightly. If you rely solely on the executive summary or selected elements of the report, you could miss critical information that may affect future decisions.
Geotech reports describe the site investigation, summarize the conditions found at the site, and recommends solutions based on those conditions.
They are often required before a building permit will be issued, and for most site grading and retaining walls.
Geotech reports contain critical information project leaders refer to during all phases of design and construction, and frequently after completion of a project to resolve claims.

A stable foundation should distribute a building’s weight load evenly across the earth so no part of the soil is ever over-burdened. It should also anchor the structure to protect against strong winds, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural forces.
If you’re not feeling confident about the type of foundation that’s being recommended for your project, please give us a call. We’ve seen way too many foundations fail because contractors weren’t aware of the project site’s subsurface conditions.
Deep Foundations
Our team can deliver deep foundation systems like auger cast piling and drilled piers most commonly associated with high load structures, however, we prefer to use geo-grids and aggregates, or rammed aggregate pier systems because they are more functional, budget-friendly, and promote collaboration among construction and design teams.

Shallow Foundations
Shallow foundations are useful when the structure isn’t exceedingly heavy and the soil can bear a significant amount of weight at a shallow level. In a shallow foundation, the depth from the ground surface to the underside of the foundation is less than five times the width of the foundation. All other foundations are considered deep foundations.


- Asphalt & concrete design
- Layered flexible pavement
- Full depth asphalt
- Contained rock asphalt mat
- Jointed plain concrete
- Jointed reinforced concrete
- Continuous reinforced concrete
- Pre-stressed concrete

- Embankments & dams
- Ponds & water structures
- Design/repair of failed slopes
- Limestone mining
- Bridge abutments
- Wing & Culvert walls
- Groundwater cut-off barriers
- Flood walls & bulkheads

- Anchored retaining walls
- Cantilevered retaining walls
- Gravity retaining walls
- Sheet piling retaining walls
- Mechanical stabilization
- Modular block systems
- Soil nails & tieback
- Stacked stone
Not sure where to begin?
Even if you’re not ready to build, feel free to contact us to talk through possibilities.
Geotechnical Engineering Department
Garic Abendroth, P.E.
Engineering Director
Direct: 913-717-4082