AOG has one of the oldest in-house full service geotechnical construction materials testing laboratories in Kansas City. We are frequently called on to evaluate the most complex conditions because we have extensive history in the area.
Testing can be a discovery mission, a validation mission, or both. Sometimes soil can be a mystery until our lab breaks it down and spells it out. Other times, project designers already have a strong instinct about the soil and look to our lab for confirmation. Either way, test results should shed light on your site’s conditions and help you plan the best route forward.
We can provide specialized in-house testing for almost any type of commercial construction project in Kansas or Missouri and offer meaningful insights to leverage results. The services listed below are a sample of tests we routinely perform, however, our full spectrum of capabilities includes much more!
- Characteristics of soil, aggregate & rock
- Compressibility & Consolidation (ASTM D2435)
- Shear strength determination
- Unconfined & triaxial compression
- Electrical resistivity
- Falling & constant head permeability
- Grain-size distribution & Atterberg limits
- Swelling of clay soils
- California bearing ratio (CBR, ASTM D1883)
- Direct & residual shear (ASTM D3080)
- Grain analysis (ASTM D422)
- Atterberg limits (ASTM D4318)
- Hydraulic conductivity/soil permeability (ASTM D5084)
- Standard/modified proctors (ASTM D698/D1557)
- Triaxial shear compression (ASTM D2850/D4767)

- ASR Testing (ASTM C227/C1260)
- Aggregate Soundness – Na or Mg (ASTM C88)
- Alkali reactivity mortar bar (ASTM C227/1260)
- Chloride content (AASHTO T260)
- Chloride ion content (AASHTO T260)
- Compressive strength of test cylinders (ASTM C39)
- Compressive strength of mortar, grout & masonry
- Concrete coring & cutting (ASTM C42)
- Concrete maturity development & testing
- Mix & trial batches
- Concrete beam flexural strength (ASTM C78)
- Concrete length change (ASTM C157)
- Hardened mortar length change (ASTM C157)
- Modified alkali reactivity (ASTM C595/227/1260)
- Mortar flow (ASTM C109)
- Rock cores: splitting tensile strength (ASTM C3967)
- Unconfined compressive strength (ASTM D2938)
- Specific gravity absorption (ASTM C127/C128)
- Time of set–cement, vicat needle (ASTM C191
- Time of set–penetration resistance (ASTM C403)
- Mortar water retention (ASTM C91)

- Asphalt mix design verification
- Asphalt content – Ignition oven (KDOT KT-57)
- Asphalt content – Solvent method (ASTM D2172)
- Gradation of aggregates
- Marshall mix design verification (ASTM D1559)
- Marshall density (ASTM D2726)
- Max theoretical specific gravity (ASTM D2041)
- Stability and flow
- Asphalt penetration
- Asphalt softening point
- Cracking temperature determination

Size, shape, density, and strength of mineral aggregates impact the long-term performance of asphalt and concrete pavements and structures. Aggregates must be hard, durable, clean, properly graded and free from chemicals and coatings in order to bond correctly with cement.
Our lab performs all required aggregate tests to meet this criteria and develop the most appropriate concrete and mortar mix designs required for the project.
- Freeze-thaw resistance
- Specific gravity & absorption
- LA Abrasion (ASTM C131)
- Lightweight particles & chert (ASTM C123)
- Clay lumps & friable particles (ASTM C142/KT-7)
- Sand equivalent test (AASHTO T176)
- Shale/particles (KDOT KT-8)
- Slake durability of shale (ASTM D4644)
- Aggregate soundness, NA or Mg sulfate (ASTM C88)
- Bulk Density (“Unit Weight”) & Voids
Need soil or construction materials tested?
Give our Lab pros a call.
In-House Geotechnical Laboratory
Tom Burdick
Laboratory Services Director
Direct: 913-717-4082