Berry Global, Inc.

Berry Global is a leading manufacturer of injection-molded plastic packaging, thermoformed products, flexible products, tapes, coatings, and more. Headquarters in Evansville, Indiana, the company has 290 global locations, including a new distribution center in Lawrence, Kansas for plastic food and beverage containers.

Alpha-Omega Geotech assisted Berry Global, Inc. in the construction of a single-story industrial building containing over 300,000 square feet of floor slab poured over several months of construction. We provided all soil and concrete lab testing, including Floor Flatness testing with a moderate 25/35 FF/FL value.

The construction consisted of concrete tilt-up panels with structural steel interior columns, intensifying the reliance on proper compaction of earthen fills to support building load. AOG was a full-service provider delivering geotechnical engineering and lab support, along with special inspection and field testing in partnership with contracted firms and material services providers in and around Kansas City.

Services Provided:

  • Geotechnical Drilling and Engineering
  • Foundation Inspection – Spread Footings
  • Soil Verification
  • Compaction Testing of Soil
  • Reinforcing Steel Inspections
  • Reinforced Concrete Inspections
  • Floor Flatness Testing
  • Structural Steel Inspection
    • Bolts and Welds

Project Partners

Bush shows a simple schematic example of a pressure meter, an essential tool for electric utility geotech work.
field samples geotech investigation
geotech drilling kansas city