Get out of the ground safely, on-time, and on-budget with the help of geotechnical experts trusted by Kansas City area planners, designers, and builders. The scope of work we perform isn’t just necessary. It’s foundational.
Experienced subgrade investigations for better-informed foundation strategies
Rapid and reliable testing and inspections to ensure quality built to specification
Proactive, collaborative focus on cost and time saving solutions throughout construction
Alpha-Omega Geotech is a seasoned group of geotechnical engineers and technicians with extensive local knowledge of ground conditions in Kansas and Missouri. We partner with landowners, real estate developers, architects, general contractors, civil and structural engineers, municipalities and school districts for projects built on public and private land. READ OUR STORY >>
Drill into the Advantage of Local Expertise
Clay, unpredictable groundwater, varying bedrock depths, changing erosion patterns, brownfields — the list of complicated factors below the surface in Kansas City is long, and we’ve been studying it for over 40 years.
We build our careers in soils specific to your project site and that gives us a stronger grasp of what’s there, how it works, and what it can do to help achieve your specific project goals. Better informed assessments of build sites can mean better site selection and more efficient foundation strategies that minimize risks and ensure better project outcomes.

Streamline and Nail Critical Code Compliance
You’ll also want our help navigating rigid, local requirements. Greater Kansas City is a mesh of many communities. All of them come with their own building codes, construction rules, permitting processes, and Special Inspections mandates.
States, counties, municipalities, Levee Districts, the Army Corps of Engineers, and other construction-related entities can shake up projects and hold up schedules if their requirements are not satisfied in the right way at the right times. We know how it works, and that’s a key advantage for ensuring compliance and better project coordination.

Choose Efficiency With Our Acclaimed Geotechnical Construction Materials Testing Laboratory
Alpha-Omega Geotech operates one of the oldest and most acclaimed soil and concrete testing laboratories in the Greater Kansas City region. Our scientists offer decades of unrivaled experience and a well-known reputation for responsiveness.
An in-house Lab streamlines project work even more, and it’s another powerful example of how we’re built for better efficiency and more cost-effective relationships without sacrificing quality.

AOG Brings Geotech Energy to Shrimp Bingo Engineering Scholarship Fundraiser
AOG was proud to be part of this long-running annual tradition hosted by the Engineers Club of Kansas City.
Geotech Streamlines Large-Scale Construction Projects
We've learned a lot that can help our partners tackle large-scale projects efficiently.
AOG Helps Planners Avoid Costly Mistakes at KC Construction Estimating Academy
Better efficiency includes the right Geotech partner from start to finish.
AOG Celebrates Winning Design-Build Project Team Collaboration
Design-Build Mid-America Region honors disabilities support facility achievement.
AOG Helps Kids Dig into Construction Careers
Curious high school students take center stage at Dozer Day 2024.
Lenexa Justice Center Opening Celebrates Collaborative Achievement from the Ground Up
AOG partners with elite project team on state-of-the-art public building.